I am a scaredy-cat in friendship. That’s because I am not confident enough to just be myself. I don’t dare to share my thoughts because I don’t want to offend you.
When you smile once because of what I have done, I will take on every opportunity to do it again, again, and again.
When you stop smiling because I’m not thoughtful enough in any way, I will remember not to repeat..
If I ever sense that you have enough of me, that’s when I feel most uncomfortable before you.
Don’t get me wrong that I love you less!
I’m just doubting my ability to be cheerful to you. I’m just wondering if my presence is no longer meaningful to you.
If you see me walking away… It is because I am not confident to stand before you. I’m afraid that my silly acts will again turn your smile into disappointment.
Yes! I’m listening to what you have to say. I, now, keep my mouth shut often for I don’t know what you want to listen.
Standing next to you; sitting across the table from you. We are so close! Yet, so far away…
I’m a scaredy-cat! I whisper, to myself…